All medicines and prescription diets dispensed through the Gupton's House Vet Clinic must be prescribed by Dr. Suzanne Harvey, D.V.M.
Heartworm Preventative: Heartgard Plus, Iverheart Max
Heartworm +Flea Preventative: Trifexis, Revolution
Flea + Tick Prevention: Bravecto, Nexgard
Antibiotics, Allergy pills/shots, Ear Medications, Heart Condition Medicine, Pain Management Medicine, Etc.
To Refill a prescription: Call 316 681-0515 leave a message with your first and last name, your pet's name, the name and amount of the medication being requested, and a phone number where you may be reached. We will get back to you within 48 hours to let you know a)the refill has been approved and is ready for pick-up, or b)the refill is denied and what is required to receive a refill.
Please do not call Gupton Retail or Service line with prescription requests, and do not expect to pick up prescriptions without calling in a request and then receive a verification call.
Filled Prescriptions are available for pick-up at Gupton Pet Care Center front counter